Hi! I'm Quartyn.
a Full-Stack Developer
I'm a Developer, app & game translator, and anything you need..
I'm a Developer, app & game translator, and anything you need..
Littlebit about me
Web/App Developer
App & Games Translator
Something I have done
Quartyn Music
Custom music player made by me. You can listen to unreleased songs in beautiful space 🔥.
Open web applicationEnglish • Quartyn's Lyrics
I wrote the lyrics for all the songs in this playlist. Updated Daily. Want lyrics for your song? Contact me.
Open PlaylistQuartTools
Browser extension for easier life on the Internet. Adding functions on websites and custom themes.
Install ExtensionLinks.
All my links in one place with Design like Windows 11. I think Perfect Clone right.. right?! 😊.
Go to websiteQuaAPI Chat
Fast and simple chat application in development. I used firebase database and some php.
Open web applicationAnd many projects soon
I've already thought of many other projects, so be prepared to stop by and check out the site sometime.
Songs I wrote lyrics for